Tag Archives: power electronics
Théorie de la religion – Exclusive web streaming 06/06/2013
Lamashtu’s first feature film, Théorie de la religion, will be shown through an exclusive live broadcast Friday June 6th. As per the nature and subject of this work (pornography, underground web and masculine self-destructive sadism), it is the most accurate and relevant context for this movie to be seen. I’ve tested a prior streaming of […]
Continue readingLAMASHTU – LA MISSION
Mission Le travail sous le nom de code Lamashtu est protéiforme. Des exercices sont effectués au travers d’autres médiums : bruitisme, collages et recherche théorique. Mais la finalité de la réflexion philosophique et esthétique se cristallise dans la vidéo. Le sujet est toujours le conflit entre la volonté individuelle, plus particulièrement la préservation de l’intégrité psychologique […]
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Stills of Lamashtu‘s upcoming collaboration with Three Winters. Coming July/August 2014. Their last EP, Aeon Surveillance [MKII] is now available on iTunes.
Continue readingLa féminité moderne – Crucial Blast Review
Review on Crucial Blast Online Store. “Another solid dose of dark power electronics and industrial heaviness infused with psycho-sexual dysfunction and cold erotic imagery, La Feminite Moderne is the second cassette from the obscure French Canadian project Un Regard Froid, the solo effort of Quebecois industrialist Frédérick Maheux. Also a member of the performance art […]
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