Quick Covid-19 transmission. In the past months I have been teaching myself game design and Unity. You can see below the first two “working ” prototypes. Music for Prototype 1 by Pod Blotz (Underneath the Sturminus Bell) and Hermann Kopp, Black Chemistry, for Prototype 2.
The goal is to release three walking simulators/interactive digital hellscapes as companion pieces for an LP of my power electronics/noise project Un Regard Froid titled Conspiration. Lyrics and composition are moving forwards. Objective is complete this year for release is 2021. Themes : Thomas Ligotti, object oriented ontology, necrocene.
Speaking of Un Regard Froid, the new album Accélération is nearly ready to be released thanks to the great work of Cipher Productions. It goes without saying I can’t wait to share this architecture of vitriol with the world. “Pure accelerated devotion to cyberschizophrenic deterritorialization. Celebrating machinic impulses and void lust. Injecting propergol and the ashes of economists.”
Also, quick notice that all my feature films ANA, Drug Porn, Théorie de la religion and Art/Crime can be watched for free on Vimeo. All albums by Un Regard Froid are also free to download.
Q1 greatest hits :
Negative Space, the brilliant new novel by B.R. Yeager and the companion soundtrack by Burial Grid.
Every games by Jack Spinoza. This man is a genius. Dujanah, Sluggish Morss: ɯnʇıuıɟuı p∀ and Sluggish Morss: A Delicate Time In History are mandatory experiences.
We Don’t Talk About It by Michael Bonardi
A Year With John Cage – How To Get Out Of The Cage
The Open House by Corpsepile
Discover My Body by Yames
I speak the truth, yet with every word uttered, thousands die by Gnaw Their Tongues
Lifeling by Pursky
Tips for Life by Legowelt
Tetrad by Towards Darkness
Kakashi by Norio Tsurata
The Hellstrom Chronible by Walon Green and Ed Spiegel
The Origin of My Depression by Uboa
Themroc by Claude Faraldo and Daddy by Niki de Saint Phalle