Indie Games Reviews 33 – 06/02/2023

The Moon Is the Ocean Brain by Yames – Here it is if you need additional reasons to support Yames on Patreon. I won’t spoil the experience, but this is beyond brilliant game-making; this is the future of horror literature. Far Solita: [Think/Again] by Lucas Ângelo / Ahopness – Get territorialized by barebones […]

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Indie Games Reviews 32 – 05/04/2023

Ens by JonaLouis— Disorienting and cryptic exploration of Tsutomu Nihei-esque architecture. Ens is a spatial puzzle I failed to decipher in which seems to hide a horrific tragedy. The Last Spin by Sticc— The best videogame adaptation of the film 13 Tzameti on the market. Video-Balls by videodream— Therapeutic interactive datamoshing of soothing visuals. Cleaving […]

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Un Regard Froid – Exophilie | New Game/Album

Un Regard Froid – Exophilie Album | Game Artwork by knop/11korp3 Heavy scrap metal harsh noise and exploratory, sensory-degrading video game – Exophilie is a training tool to prepare cognitive adaptation in the azathothcene and speculative effects of libidinal anti-cosmic frequencies on human boundaries. Explorable 3D representations of the audio logs are available by scanning […]

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Doctorat – Journal de bord – 16 mars 2023

Cette entrée de mon journal de bord doctoral est un texte remis dans le cadre du séminaire à propos du tournant performatif donné par Louis-Claude Paquin à l’automne 2022 (UQAM). Il s’agit d’un retour réflexif sur une performance d’une quinzaine de minutes livrée en classe. Je m’étais donné pour défi de produire un collage selon […]

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Indie Games Reviews 30 — 02/23/2023

Planet Graveyard by HamezTeam— One of the great titles born of LSDJAM 2022. The bittersweet atmosphere of fatalistic doom creeps through the digital fog, pushing you to explore the margins of this necrodome. Undertide by Jacob Potterfield— Another peculiar title of LSDJAM 2022. The aesthetic and narrative of Undertide totally blew me away. The colour palette and […]

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